The Art of Balance

As part of a program I enrolled in, I was invited to come up with a word for 2023. A word to frame the year ahead and the life I envision for myself. As a word person, you'd think that would be easy, but I found it challenging. I wanted to find the right word, with the right meaning to set the right intention. That's a lot of pressure for one little word. And a lot of pressure for one little me. I thought about JOY as my word. Too corny, too Pollyanna. I thought about SUCCESS as my word. Too self-involved, too empty. I thought about CREATIVE as my word. Too much pressure. So I looked at some of the questions meant to help narrow it down and it was in answering questions about what didn't work so well in 2022 that my word emerged - BALANCE. It was all right there the whole time in a two-sided collage I'd made last spring.

One side with quiet muted tones and a cozy home, the other looking for the next brightly-colored adventure.

The opportunity this year is to find the balance that works for me. A happy balance between work and play, home and travel, creativity and stillness, risk taking and caution, the sweetness and the saltiness of life.

I won't always get it right, or even understand what the balance is that I'm seeking, but first there is the word, and then the rest may just follow.


In Between


That View